Four things you can do to make your life easier

Christmas is done, the New Year is well under way and you've almost finished your exams. The start of this semester is about to get under way and it’s a good time to start thinking about graduate jobs.

It might seem early; before the pressures of essays, group work and exams kick in, now is the time to get on and see what’s out there. Find out now what you should be doing when. Having some idea or plan, however vague, will definitely help you when the work has kicked in and you’re thinking towards deadlines and exams or getting together your summer plans. Knowing you’ve got things going in the right direction will ease the pressure as the semester takes shape.

Here are four things you can do right away:

  1. Attend the Graduate job search workshop: What’s out there, where do you look, how do you apply? Week 1: Tues 11th Feb, 4.00 – 5.00 or Thurs 12 Feb, 4.00 – 5.00
  2. Make a one-to-one with a Careers Adviser and outline your plans, explore ideas or get support with something specific like a CV or graduate application form.
  3. Talk through your work experience with a work experience expert and look at what you can do to get ready for applying for graduate jobs and life after University.
  4. Get some excellent tips from graduates who have already been through it. Check out the Careers Service graduate case studies and read advice from Sheffield University Graduates. Take look at this blog from Guardian Careers: a professional shares the top 5 things she wishes she’d known about getting a graduate career when she was younger.
In semester 2 the transitions team will be running a series of workshops designed to support you at whatever stage of your career planning you are at. Find the whole programme in the What’s On Diary

Follow the Transitions blog What to do When to keep up to date with workshops, key events, information, tips and advice and reminders.

“The best advice I could give is to try as much as you can while you're still at uni. I didn't always want to go into marketing but there was a job available there and luckily, it suited me. If you can leave uni having a rough idea of the industry you want to be in - and actually know what the job entails, i.e. get work experience, you will be on your way.” Hermione, Account Manager, graduated 2010
Careers Service

Careers Service

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